Core Game Loop

Players start the game with their teams, consisting of eight Fighters and ten Power Cards. The goal of the game is to win the best of five battles. Players begin with three Fighters in the arena and can increase their team size to a maximum of five Fighters. The player who wins the most battles out of the five is declared the winner.

Both players place their Fighters on their respective areas in the arena, arranging them on the provided tiles in any desired position. There are twenty-four tiles available, giving players the opportunity to strategically position their Fighters for optimal results.

Once the battle is over, the game is reset and the winner starts the next round with all the fighters they chose in the previous battle in the same positions.

First battle

Rolling Phase: Both players roll a six-sided die. The player with the highest roll chooses who will start first.; in this case, let's assume it's Player A.

Draw Phase: Starting player draws 2 power cards and the next player draws 3.

Planning Phase: Taking turns, both players begin by placing a Fighter on any of the given tiles in their area. This process will continue until both players have three Fighters on the arena.

Power Phase: Starting from Player A, both players play a Power Card.

Fight Phase: Players A and B battle it out until one player has no living Fighters left in the arena. Say in this case, Player A wins the first battle.

Second battle

Draw Phase: Both players select two power cards each.

Planning Phase: Player A, the winner of the first battle, starts the game again. Player A has three Fighters in the arena in the same positions as the first battle, and places the fourth Fighter in the arena. Same scenario goes for Player B and Player B places the fourth Fighter.

Player A has the option to switch one of the Fighters' positions, provided it is within the tiles of the area. Player B may then do the same.

Power Phase: Starting from Player A, both players play a Power Card.

Fight Phase: Players A and B battle it out until one player has no living Fighters left in the arena. Say in this case, Player A wins the second battle. Now Player A has two wins out of five battles.

Third battle

Draw Phase: Both players select two power cards.

Planning Phase: Player A, the winner of the second battle, starts the game again. Player A has four Fighters in the arena in the same positions as the second battle, and places the fifth Fighter in the arena. Same scenario goes for Player B.

Player A has the option to switch one of the Fighters' positions, provided it is within the tiles of the area. Player B may then do the same.

Power Phase: Starting from Player A, both players play a Power Card.

Fight Phase: Players A and B battle it out until one player has no living Fighters left in the arena. If Player A wins this battle, it will be 3 wins out five battles and Player A will be the winner. Say Player B wins the third battle.

Fourth battle

Draw Phase: Both players select two power cards.

Planning Phase: Player B, the winner of the third battle, begins their turn. Player B currently has five fighters in the arena, in the same positions as in the third battle. Since there can be no more than ten fighters in the arena, Player B can choose to replace one of the fighters with either a new fighter or the same fighter with different fighting traits. Same scenario goes for Player A.

Player B has the option to switch one of the Fighters' positions, provided it is within the tiles of the area. Player A may then do the same.

Power Phase: Starting from Player B, both players play a Power Card.

Fight Phase: Players A and B battle it out until one player has no living Fighters left in the arena. If Player A wins this battle, it will be 3 wins out of five battles and Player A will be the winner. Say, Player B wins the fourth battle. Both Players have two wins up to this point.

Fifth battle

Draw Phase: Both players select two power cards.

Planning Phase: Player B, the winner of the fourth battle, begins their turn. Player B currently has five fighters in the arena, in the same positions as in the fourth battle. Player B can choose to replace one of the fighters with either a new fighter or the same fighter with different fighting traits. Same scenario goes for Player A.

Player B has the option to switch one of the Fighters' positions, provided it is within the tiles of the area. Player A may then do the same.

Power Phase: Starting from Player B, both players play a Power Card.

Fight Phase: Players A and B battle it out until one player has no living Fighters left in the arena. The winning Player will have achieved three wins and wins the game.

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